Due to the recent global situation about COVID-19, the Colombian authorities took the decision as a preventive measure to restrict all public events above 500 people in order to avoid a wider spread of the virus in the country. For this reason in order to guarantee the best conditions for you and our visitors, The organizer have decided to postpone interzum bogotá 2020.


Greatim International Inc. invites you to visit us at Interzum Bogotá 2020. We will launch our new hardware and homeware products in the 4-day exhibition.If you are looking for something new and stunning, don’t miss the chance!

Le invitamos sinceramente de vistarnos en la Interzum Bogotá 2020. Durante los cuatro dias, presentaremos lo más nuevo herraje y accesorio para la casa en la fería. No pierdas la oportunidad de conocernos y nuestra capacidad de innovación

[Interzum Bogotá 2020]
Date/Fecha : To Be Confirmed/ Por confirmar
Place/Dirección : Corferias Bogotá, Colombia
Booth No/Numero STAND : To Be Confirmed/ Por confirmar